Monday, February 6, 2012

Does n.e one kno n.e hair styles for relaxed hair?

I need styles that i are easy to do in the morning and r fast so that i can do them and go to schoolDoes n.e one kno n.e hair styles for relaxed hair?
Erm..what i usually do is ..i always make a side fringe with my comb,once i have done that,i take a hair clip and clip the part that has been made into a fringe back to make it look like a side quiv sorta...and tie the rest of my hair back..x

or if you got rollers,or curlers you could make a fringe and then curl the fringe.Leaving the fringe out. and then tie the rest of your hair back into a ponytail...x so its kinda like a curled side fringe and a ponytail.

Or you could always plait it and bring it all together at the back.

You can try all sorts of styles on relaxed hair,what you should do is before you go to sleep evreyday plan your hairstyle,im sure you can come up with something- be imaganitive.
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